Internet is really such a good tool that I can do everything at home only by clicking the mouse.  In the thanksgiving dinner , everyone responds for one dish. As for me, I don't cook. OK! I CAN"T cook actually!! So buying food is absolutely the conveninet and easy way for me. What to buy?? OH~~~That's a brainstorming question. I'm the one who always lack of creativity.  Uh...Uh.........PIZZA jsut poped in to my mind. However, where to buy?? Check the internet, of course.

    WoooW... I come to know that I can make an order on the internet and take my pizzas at my scheduled time. How cool is it!!!  The most cool is that I can buy one and get another one for free!! Of course buy a big one and get another big one either. So I don't have to call and don't have to wait , I can have my ordered pizzas immediately.

    Now I look forward to the thanksgiving dinner. I can image that there will be lots of food including one roasted turkey and my four big pizzas and cola certainly. Thinking of these makes my mouth full with "water" now!

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This weekend I went to Tainan to accompany little Rosemary. I felt she's better than she uesd to be in Thursday when I saw her last time. You know I visit her sooooo many time that how could I never been to the Eslite Tainan which is just the downstairs of their building. After some rest followed by my arrival, we spent some time hanging around the shopping zone of Eslite Tainan.



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久石讓  Joe Hisaishi ,本名 藤澤守(Mamoru Fujisawa)宮崎駿 合作,為 "風之谷" 配樂,因而聲名大噪,往後與宮崎駿合作 的作品有 "天空之城"(1986)、"龍貓"(1988)、"魔女宅急便"(1989 )、"飛天紅豬俠"(1992)、"幽靈公主"(1997)、"鬼束千尋"(2001 ) 及最近期的 "霍爾的移動城堡"(2004)。

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Die! Everyone is born to die!

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KiKirestaurant is running by 藍心湄 who used to be a star but now a program host of Taiwan I think. Her famous program is probably 女人我最大 introducing everything making pretty women. Clothing, shoes, accessories, make-up....whatever.
The flavor of KiKi is coming from 四川. So almost the cuisine on menu is spicy!! Ranking by stars, maybe from only one star, less spicy, to triple stars, the most spicy. And the mark of KiKi is cute!! A little black Kitty!! Easily recognizing if driving on the 公益  road in Taichung~~~

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My dear colleagues planned on traveling in Hualien maybe 2 months ago. I didn't think too much. I just said "Yes! I do want to participate in with you guys." Then I am a member of riding bicycles. Actually, I'm not ride a bicycle for exercise or for work. To be frankly, this is my very first time riding a bicycle since I was graduated from junior high school!!!
NO~~~ I just don't think too much!!

~~~  GO Taroko  ~~~

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Today is the last day of my night shift. 

I'm in a good mood when I get on work! 

And 1 hr 30 min is left over then I'm off~~~~


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